Monday, October 12, 2015

Why I chose the Marxist Lense

The lens that I have chosen is the Marxist lens, or the socio-economic. I was really interested in this lense because power structures have always been interesting, including the motivations for putting people in power and the actions which people take to stay in power once there. I was especially interested in getting past the obvious power structures, such as master and slave, and getting into the more complicated ones, such as household leader and responsibility bearer. This was the most interesting to me because it encompasses most of the other lenses as well, such as race, or gender, and puts them to work inside of the power structure. This will allow me to get onto all of the topics that i feel are important to me. The other one which I considered doing was the postmodernism lense, but as I was having some problems really understanding that on a deep level, so I chose not to. From this project I am hoping to see the book a new way, and begin to think about the power structures in my life more often.  


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